I have to say I wasn't quite sure if I liked this photo,which looks alot like a painting. Although everytime I look at it I like it more and more. What are your thoughts?
Well one more show to complete my show season. It is the United Maine Craftsmen 37th Annual Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts Show at the Brewer Auditorium, Brewer Maine. After that show and the holidays I will be working on all my projects that have been put on hold. Winter is a good time to do lots of projects!
This butterfly has an unique quality about it. It is called the "Mocker Swallowtail" because the females mimics at least 14 inedible butterflies. She is truely a master of protective disguise. This African butterfly is also known as the "Flying Handkerchief", not really sure why except it might look like a handkerchief in flight. The males look very different from the females and they do not possess the ability to change their appearance. The photo above is a male. This beauty was photographed on my adventure to the Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory & Garden in Deerfield, Mass.