Sorry I haven't been around in a while, I have been busy with shows. My next show isn't until September 12th. So I have some time to get things together and restock supplies. Lots of printing and matting to be done. And working in the humidity is no fun! I was born and raised in Connecticut and the summers were filled with hot humid days. So having an air conditioner wasn't a bad idea. So when I moved to Maine I found it to be much cooler in the summers with maybe 3 weeks of hot humid days if that. So the air conditioner wasn't needed. But this past week or more seems never ending. There should be some relief next week.
The photo above was sunset on the Sebasticook Lake here in Maine. I haven't done much photographing lately, because of my shows and working a the coop. Business is doing okay despite the economy. I hope next year is better. I have 7 shows left this year. I am actually looking forward to the winter when I can work on all the winter projects I have accumulated this year so far. Alot of big changes for next year I'm feeling. I am still waiting for that first sale on my website. www.CindiResslerPhotography.com. I know this isn't the time of year people spend time on the Internet. It's usually too nice to be inside. I am hoping through my shows that people will visit and purchase on my website when it's too cool to be outside. I still have alot to learn about getting my website out there, I guess we would call that Marketing. My site has only been up less than a year. I am trying to be patient, but I am also trying to get the word out in every way I know. I am so determined to make by business work! I have a fellow photographer friend, who has been a tremendous help with thoughts and ideas to make my business better. Though we do alot of shows together, her work is more towards wildlife and landscapes, where mine is more close up nature and my color reflections collection and black & white. She has been a true friend. Please check out her website at www.LoriDavisPhotography.com.
Well thanks for listening. I will continue to be patient, persevere and be positive! I hope you all have a nice day!