American Alligator

Snowy Egret in breeding plumage

Englewood Beach, Florida with shore birds
Well it was alot of fun in Florida! But it is great to be home. Camping wasn't so bad, I would do it again. I met alot of nice people. And thanks to all who let Lori and I stay the night in a nice warm bed. I have to say the night time temperatures were around mid 40's and the daytime highs were about 60. Fortunately we didn't have any rain while photographing and the drive home was sunny. Thank you God for that. Over all the trip went quite smoothly especially with the dark chocolate and occasional ice cream. Lori and I are planning a trip to Arizona next winter and we will travel my way. My truck and hotels.
I have tons of photographs to go through and organize and edit. This will keep me busy for a bit. I pulled a few for everyone to view. The alligator was photographed at the Everglades, a location called the Anhinga Trail. I have alot of great shots from this location and of course alot of alligators. I must say that this trail was the only good thing about the whole Everglades. Very disappointing, except for the trail of course. The egret was photographed at Ding Darling Bird Sanctuary. What a great place to photograph birds. We saw so many birds I couldn't even begin to count the different species. The sanctuary is located on Sannibel Island. The island alone was beautiful. I had never seen such beautiful blue water. We did alot of seashell collecting on the island and being the collector I am I found some great seashells and I did share with Lori. Those were my souvenirs. The beaches were full of seashells, but you have to get there early to get the good ones. The last photograph is at Englewood beach. Not sure what kind of shorebirds are there I am still working on that. This too was gorgeous! I got some great photographs there too!
Pretty much every where we went we did get some great photographs. And as I edit and organize I will share.
I hope next week to have them on my website
http://www.cindiresslerphotography.com/. I also have to send out more show applications. So I expect to be very busy for a while. I also have a newsletter which I started before I left which I have to get out. Please sign up for it if you haven't already. I will be having a contest in April. The winner will receive a 11x14 matted photograph.
Well this is it for now. I will be posting more.
Have a great day!