Well 2010 is off to a good start and I hope it continues that way. I am very excited to be participating in my very first art gallery exhibition. The event is celebrating Bangor, Maine's 175th Birthday and will be running January 15 throu April 15 2010. I am 1 of 10 women photographers who will be in the show.
The photo to the left is of one of the buildings in Downtown Bangor. I don't know if you can quite see it, but there is something looking out the bottom window.
You know when this year first rang in I had awful doubts about my photography future, but I have had a slight turn for the better and hopefully it continues.
When I switched to digital photography I thought for sure that I wouldn't be able to continue my handcoloring using traditional handcoloring techniques, but thanks to Dianne Poinski I have found paper that I can print on using my inkjet printer and using panpastels to handcolor. I do have a lot of practicing, but it will be well worth it. So that makes me very happy.
I am slowly getting connected with the right people. I do want to give a huge thanks to my photographer friend Lori. She has been a true friend and mentor to me. She inspires and encourages me constantly. I ask for input and she gives me honest answers. She is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! But don't tell her I said that. I am very thankful for her.
I have to try harder to stay in touch and keep updating.
Have a nice day everyone!